Best Hair Transplant in India

FUT Hair Transplant

There is lot of people who are facing hair loss. Although there are many hair loss treatments available in the market, some people may choose to undergo a hair transplant to restore their hairline. One of the latest techniques in hair transplantation is the FUT hair transplant method.

fut hair transplant in india

We will explore what FUT hair transplant is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is FUT Hair Transplant?

FUT hair transplant is a surgical procedure that harvesting a strip of hair from the back of the scalp and transplanting it to the balding portion of the scalp. This method is also known as the strip method, as a strip of tissue is removed from the donor area. The strip is then dissected into small units, known as follicular units, which contain one to four hairs each, which are called grafts. These follicular units are then implanted into the recipient area, where the hair is required.

How Does FUT Hair Transplant Work?

FUT hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia and it takes 4 to 8 hours. Here’s how the procedure works:

Step 1: The donor area of the scalp is identified and shaved that area.

Step 2: The hair transplant surgeon then numbs the donor area with a local anesthetic. The strip from back scalp is then removed from the donor area, and the wound is closed with sutures with trichophytic closure.

Step 3: The strip of hair is dissected into follicular units under a high resolution microscope. These follicular units are then sorted based on the number of hairs they contain.

Step 4: The hair transplant surgeon creates tiny incisions in the recipient area using a needle. The follicular units are then implanted into these incisions.

Step 5: After the procedure, the patient may experience some swelling and discomfort, but this typically resolves within a few days.

What Are the Benefits of FUT Hair Transplant?

There are several benefits to FUT hair transplant which includes:

Natural looking results: FUT hair transplant can provide natural looking results, as the hair transplant surgeon can precisely place each follicular unit in the recipient area.

Permanent results: FUT hair transplant provides permanent results, as the transplanted hair is taken from the patient’s own scalp.

Large number of hair can be transplanted: FUT hair transplant allows for a large number of hair follicles to be transplanted in a single session, making it ideal for patients who require a significant amount of hair restoration.

Faster recovery time: Compared to other hair restoration methods, such as FUE, FUT hair transplant has a faster recovery time, as there are fewer incisions made in the scalp.


FUT hair transplant is a safe and effective method of hair restoration that can provide natural looking and permanent results. While it does involve a surgical procedure, it is generally well tolerated, and patients can return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

If you are considering a hair transplant, it is important to consult with a qualified hair restoration surgeon to determine whether FUT hair transplant is the best option for you.